SDTA Burns Celebration

The Alona Hotel Motherwell, South Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

Please contact the SDTA office to reserve your tickets.

Highland Branch Meeting and Lectures

The Alona Hotel Motherwell, South Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

ALL BRANCHES 10.30am -11.30am          Safeguarding by Amanda Letarte, SDTA Child Protection Officer 11.30am -12.30pm          Mindfulness: Wiring your Brain for Success by Alison McGregor 12.30pm -1.15pm            LUNCH HIGHLAND BRANCH 1.15pm - 2.15pm              National Grades by Myra Miller 2.15pm - 3.15pm              Highland Technique by Candice Walker 3.15pm – 4.15pm          … Continue reading "Highland Branch Meeting and Lectures"